Family Law Services

Save on legal fees.
Reach timely resolutions.
Move forward with confidence.

Many people may not realize that they don't have to kickstart their separation process with lawyers, opting for mediation can result in substantial savings, both financially and in terms of time and emotional well-being.

This approach is particularly advantageous for you and your children. Mediation, a conflict resolution method, is actively encouraged for disputes related to property and financial settlements and child-related matters rather than resorting to the complexities of family court proceedings. Regardless of whether you've already commenced the process without mediation, it's never too late to explore this option. At any stage of your journey, you have the potential to save you time, stress and money. 

Mediation can be straightforward and less stressful nature compared to courtroom battles, its ability to facilitate a smoother transition to the next phase of life with reduced conflict, providing greater control over decisions concerning children, and ultimately keeping control in your hands, all while being a less taxing and more expedient alternative to the court system, with the added bonus of saving you tens of thousands of dollars.

At Assent Group, we excel at what we do, and if you're interested in understanding why we stand out from the rest, please don't hesitate to get in touch. 

What is mediation?

You probably never pictured yourself here: in the centre of conflict. And for this reason, many of us aren’t prepared for the process of overcoming conflict... The court system, paperwork and endless fees.

But there is another way – through mediation. Our private mediation services offer a structured, unbiased and compassionate negotiation process to move forward in relation to your parenting and property and financial matters. 

Who is mediation for?

Mediation is for couples and those in conflict situations who want to...

  • Reach resolutions while saving time, money and emotional stress

  • Enhance co-parenting relationships and move toward an amicable future

  • Make the best arrangements for your children’s and financial future

  • Reach a timely resolution without the need of going to court

  • Feel emotionally supported and guided through the process

  • Appreciate a tailored process, rather than a predetermined court system

  • Feel safe and supported throughout negotiations

  • Have a facilitated discussion to create a future together

Our Family Law Services

Property & Financial mediation

Separation and divorce is challenging enough. Now, you have to make decisions about distributing your finances, assets and property. But it doesn’t have to be a stressful, lengthy and costly court process. Our mediators have extensive experience working with complex financial cases, helping couples preserve relationships, avoid court and feel supported in their financial future.

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Parenting mediation

Almost every parent shares the same goal — to reach a resolution that’s best for their children. Whether you’re looking to create a parenting plan, agree on living arrangements or organise change overs and communication — our team of accredited family dispute resolution practitioners will guide you through the process in a safe, nurturing and unbiased space.

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Financial Disclosure & Audit Review

Our expert team is ready to conduct a thorough review of your financial situation and disclosure. This process can be instrumental in pinpointing any significant assets or cash that might not have been previously disclosed. If you believe that such a review could be beneficial for your circumstances, we strongly encourage you to get in touch with us as soon as possible. Our goal is to assist you in ensuring that your financial matters are handled comprehensively and transparently.

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Separation and divorce coaching

If you're dealing with a recent separation or going through a divorce, and you're grappling with the emotional turmoil and concerns about legal expenses and making arrangements for children, finances, and property, our experienced team is here to support you. We'll help you navigate the Family Law system, reduce costs and stress, and empower you to redefine your life's direction. It begins with a simple conversation.

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The Assent Group Difference

Tailored Approach

No two separations are alike. From experience, we know they each bring their own layers of complexity. Which is why we meet you where you are, without making you mould to the shape of a fixed process.

Safety First

Our team have dealt with hundreds of complex cases, including family violence and intervention orders. Through experience, we create a safe space and even up relationship dynamics so both parties can express themselves freely and safely.


Assent Group balances compassion with objectivity — always listening to the concerns of both parties. We stand firm in our unbiased professional approach and demonstrating respect to everyone.

How does it work?


The First Conversation

Get in touch to book your free 15-minute consultation so we can gain insight into your unique situation and see if we’re a good fit.


Map the Road Ahead

With your help, we’ll come up with a tailored mediation plan so you can work toward reaching a resolution, sooner.


Tailored Mediation

If you choose to go ahead, we’ll begin the mediation process, which can be done either in person or face-to-face.